вторник, 27 января 2015 г.

Reading Circle for EFL Teachers

Dear teachers,
At the moment we are completing the course “Проектирование образовательного процесса по английскому языку на основе единой системы ранжирования и оценки уровней обученности, ориентированной на Европейский стандарт”. The program was designed to cover not only introductory issues on what CEFR is but includes sessions on active learning and using innovative educative technologies as well as different types of assessing students’ achievements. I think, we are going on successfully meeting most of your expectations and providing the opportunities to further development. What I am so greatly grateful you for is your wonderful ability to creatively accept new ideas and turn them up into magnificent projects. Yes, Reading Circle is not a new idea, but a Reading Circle for EFL Teachers – it sounds great! Svetlana Dmitrieva, thank you very much; you have suggested this club for teachers to help them enjoy speaking, making it free and fun and thus to avoid that bad fear of making a mistake. On behalf of Svetlana and me, we invite those who like reading and speaking to join our Reading Circle twice a month on Thursday evenings in Pushkin Library. First meeting will be held on February, 5 at 17.30, room 28.
Do you like the idea? Join us!!!
In Pushkin Library

17 комментариев:

  1. Анонимный1/28/2015

    I would like to join for Reading Circle

  2. Анонимный1/28/2015

    It's a good idea to practice spoken English.Tatyana.

    1. Анонимный1/28/2015

      We think that Reading Circle for EFL Teachers will be very useful for everyone. If we have free time, we'll try to join it. Altynai, Bakytzhan.

  3. Анонимный1/28/2015

    Yekaterina and Lyubov
    It was great! We really liked our meeting and enjoyed it. Thank you for giving us much useful information.

  4. Анонимный1/28/2015

    We will use innovative educative technologies and different types of assessing students’ achievements. Sholpan

  5. Анонимный1/28/2015

    Thank you for this interesting idea!

  6. Анонимный1/28/2015

    That course give me more interesting information. The materials are useful and the activities are different. I hope I will use materials on the lessons. Anara.

  7. Анонимный1/28/2015

    The course was so interesting that we got many useful for us. Our group was so friendly in any way. We wish you good luck

  8. Анонимный1/28/2015

    Эти десятидневные курсы прошли очень интересно.Я в свою методическую копилку взяла много нужного и полезного.Хочу поблагодарить организаторов этого курса и нашего куратора Айман Кокеевну. Курсант Исабаева Ж.Р. КГУ "Коктерекская СШ" Катонкарагайский район

  9. Анонимный1/28/2015

    Курсовая переподготовка - это очень важный этап в жизни учителя. Это возможность систематизировать, проанализировать свою деятельность и свои знания, пополнить свой багаж новыми идеями, обменяться опытом с коллегами из других регионов. Спасибо за создание условий для повышения своего профессионального уровня, интересное общение, хорошо подобранный материал данного курса.
    С уважением Н.Н.Ткачева г.Усть-Каменогорск, К.С.Коноплева, г.Зыряновск.

  10. Анонимный1/28/2015

    I would like to join for Reading Circle. As far as I'm like a beginner also from village I got a lot of interesting and usefull information from this course. So I'm sure to use all suitable tasks for me too. It's so difficult to develop without communication in a language.
    My name is Ospanbekova Asel Yelemesovna from Boroduliha region, my email is: asel_ospanbekova@mail.ru
    thank you very much to giving us such an opportunity to join.

  11. Анонимный1/28/2015

    First of all I want to say "Thank you" to Aiman Kokeyevna for organizing very interesting and useful seminars. I would like to join Reading Circle in order that to have an opportunity of communication with native speakers and EFL teachers, to share some ideas and to discuss different methods of teaching. But I would like to suggest the idea of online webinars or webconferences with native speakers. It could be useful for teachers who don't live in Ust-Kamenogorsk.
    Poilova Yelena, Zyryanovsk. shagalena@mail.ru

  12. Анонимный1/28/2015

    We support this good idea of organizing Reading Circle.It's a pity we can't take an active part in it because we don't live in Ust-Kamenogorsk.We are going to use this idea in organizing an extracurricular work in our schools. It will be organized in the form of Reading Club.Svetlana and Olga, Shemonaihinski rayon

  13. Анонимный1/28/2015

    It was Brilliant.I took some new technologies.I wish you succes who organized this course.Thank you for all.Written by Musabekova Zaure K. From region Garma."KGU Birlik" School.

  14. Анонимный1/28/2015

    I wish I could have more English practice. It's a pitty we haven't attended the English classes in Nazarbaev's school. But the course has motivated us to do some innovations in teaching, As for me,I am very pleased to communicate with my collegues. Some of them are rather experienced, brief and smart.

  15. Анонимный1/28/2015

    The courses were very interesting and we didn't notice how time passed. I'm looking forward to new meetings with our incomparable Aiman Kokeyevna and our collegues. Thank you very much all our skilled teachers. They were really great! They gave us a lot of valuable and usefull information. I hope you will not forget us... Your listener Kabdualiyeva N.Zh. School №11, Zyryanovsk.nazym1303@mail.ru

  16. Анонимный2/19/2015

    Спасибо вам за полученные знания очень все понравилось на курсах, много интересных моментов узнали от вас, а тем более как молодой специалист научилась многому у вас!!! Топтаева Алия Глубоковский район п. Белоусовка.
